Sauce for the goose and none for the gander


Left-Wing Protesters ‘Thrashed Democracy’ And ‘Broke Into Government Buildings’ Eight Times

However, the rest of us are old enough to remember when riots and protests overwhelmed government buildings without such a theatrical response. Not all of these protests were allegedly in response to George Floyd’s death in Minnesota. Leftists have long attacked, infiltrated, and occupied government buildings. And it went on long after Jan. 6, 2021.

Interior Department Overtaken: On Oct. 14, 2021, climate activists broke into the Interior Department, battling with police officers outside and yelling, “Go inside! Enter!” People set fire to a building, and others pinned cops against a wall. Several people were hurt, including a police officer who was taken to the hospital.

President Moved to Bunker After White House Fence Breach: When protesters broke through temporary barricades around the White House complex in June 2020, President Donald Trump, First Lady Melania Trump, and their son Barron were reportedly rushed to a secure bunker. At least four protesters were charged with unlawful entry at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

Wisconsin Capitol Overwhelmed: Thousands of Republican Gov. Scott Walker opponents screamed in 2011 at the Wisconsin state capitol against his budget repair bill.

Portland Federal Courthouse Overtaken by Violence: Antifa rioters have repeatedly targeted Portland’s federal courthouse. A mob lit fire to the courtroom fence, rocked it, flung projectiles over it, and even tried to push it down in July 2020. Several rioters broke through it, hurling missiles and lasers at responding federal police officers. The courthouse was closed for a month after threats of a bomb-laden vehicle entering the building. In March 2021, hours after removing a security fence from the courthouse, rioters broke the glass and set fires.

In July 2013, thousands of pro-abortion demonstrators invaded the Texas Capitol and screamed at the top of their voices, “grinding the Senate to a standstill.”

SCOTUS Police Lines Breached, Senate Overwhelmed by Anti-Kavanaugh Activists: Demonstrators broke through police lines at both the Senate and the Supreme Court, storming the steps and beating on the doors during the commotion over now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination and confirmation to the Supreme Court. Several women accosted then-Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., on an elevator after he announced he would vote for Kavanaugh’s confirmation. In early October, shortly before the Senate voted to confirm Kavanaugh, a mob of protesters occupied part of the Capitol’s Hart Senate Office Building.

Senate Bombed by Left-Wing Terrorists: In 1983, two left-wing extremists, Linda Evans and Susan Rosenberg planted a bomb outside the Senate chamber, which detonated and caused $1 million in damage.

Senate Chamber Breached by Biden Himself: President Joe Biden claimed in 2009 that he had broken into the Senate and sat in the vice president’s chair at age 21. He first walked on the Senate floor with friends in the early 1960s. A Capitol Police officer apprehended him. Biden’s self-guided Capitol tour “borders on sedition,” I wonder.

Leftists have long attacked, infiltrated, and occupied government buildings. It’s about time those attacks are talked about.


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