Never mind the bollocks, it's the Monkey Pox


Patient Zero has been discovered in Maryland. This virus does not have anywhere near the utility of any Covid variants, but it is already a strong contender for 2022’s third annual Plandemic Sweepstakes. Fear Porn III, with simian undertones. Apparently the Asian source has played it’s string, so now it is Africa. The Monkey Pox, a member of the smallpox family, is usually concentrated in central Africa. Patient Zero’s infection has been attributed to Nigeria. They're saying that this African travel ban is for the Omicron variant, but that's just a cover story. Of course all of this is conditional upon whether or not one believes what is being reported.

The media landscape in the western world has been condensed to a degree that it has fallen into the control of a relatively select group of individuals. It has become painfully evident in the past 24 months that these people have upped the intake of their own fumes. Second hand methane is très passé for this crowd. The only mask mandate they observe are the ones they wear, attached to the tube running from their own anus. This vastly more efficient configuration is designed to protect their cabal from that most dreaded of viruses: being common! Immersed as they are in their own flavor, and only associating with others who do the same, they are insulated from the harsh realities of what exists “out there”. It is from this stew that an “official” narrative is fashioned; the alternate reality created in ether to be broadcast wall to wall upon a gullible public. Any story that sees the light of day on any of their platforms are in no way to be construed as a presentation of fact. Every story has a purpose.

Look back at the reporting on Covid in the Fall of 2019 and one finds the breadcrumbs. Stories that floated the trial balloons for all that was to come. This is a technique of fiction in the long narrative, a sort of incremental back story. Little seeds planted along the path to be summoned later on in support of the broader narrative. It’s quite easy to report the “news” in an authoritative fashion when it is being scripted as a fiction; the ending has been predetermined, thus all reporting is conducted in a manner to support that ending. So what then is the purpose of the Monkey Pox story? Well… I have some theories.

will be so bold as to predict that in early February we shall see the premiere of “PANDEMIC III: The Monkey Pox” on Pravda. All of the networks are on the same script so for the purpose of this discussion we will simply refer to them collectively as Pravda. This premiere will likely air on Sunday night after the Super Bowl, a time slot reserved for “the next big thing”. Between now and then the story will appear here and there and without any fanfare. Scrutinize these stories very carefully. As presented these reports will actually have little to say as a sum of their parts, but contained within these there will be little nuggets of foreshadowing.

If any of you thought that Covid was terrifying, well… the good folks at Pravda have decided to go full Vorhees and serialize this horror franchise. In any franchise once you reach the third installment it naturally starts to go stale. At this critical juncture the brand needs a twist. When people referred to Covid as the Wuhan virus a hue and cry was raised that such descriptors were of a racist character. With a specter looming from the Dark Continent? Well, one can only imagine what should be used to immunize that narrative. Need I say it?

The threat of a viral pandemic born of the African continent conjures a whole new catalog of disturbing images. For over a decade we have been treated to stories about various SARS outbreaks throughout Asia. These have been garnished with stock footage of insect-like hordes marching in unison with surgical masks, like some perverse reenactment of a scene from Fritz Lang’s Metropolis. This is an image we have been conditioned to when thinking of an Asian virus. What are the visual images associated with the less frequently reported viral outbreaks in Africa? Mostly blood. Africa is feared for it’s dreaded a la carte menu of hemorrhagic fevers, Ebola the one garnering the most headlines. A viral pandemic with African roots has all of the right stuff for this next installment; a heady mix of fear and mystery, blood and diarrhea. It is sure to strike a whole new vein of paranoia. We couldn’t keep enough toilet paper on the shelves for round one. Introduce something with even a hint of hemorrhoidal colic and it’s over for a nation with most of their attention directed up their own asses.

The folks at Pravda have been given their script. You didn’t believe that any of them are bright enough to write their own material, did you? For the observant there are no illusions about who is paying the freight. One need only look at the sponsorship purchased on their air time. Easily half, if not more, of the commercials aired on Pravda are for pharmaceutical companies. There may be a new villain in part threebut the hero of this franchise has been permanently cast. Team Pharma to the rescue again!

Drip. Drip. Drip. In agonizingly slow fashion the “truth” will be revealed. The Monkey Pox, ironically, is yet another bug that has been “monkeyed” with in a lab somewhere, and gee whiz! You’re not going to believe this, but we don’t really understand all of the characteristics of this mutation. That is a very serious, very bad thing. For all of you, of course. We can not say for certain, but we suspect that it may be possible for this agent to be waaaaayy more contagious than we had originally believed. Yeah, and you know what else? There may be some unforeseen behavioral manifestations in human infections. Now again, we can not say for certain, but some experts believe that there is a risk of those infected exhibiting primitive simian behaviors. These include (but are not limited to) lice picking, lice eating, prolonged displays of public masturbation, and the sculpting of feces to be used as projectiles. an abundance of caution to mitigate the potential risks it is imperative that government at all levels should implement the strictest lockdown measures possible. But don’t worry. We are fast tracking the vaccine that will fix you right up. Cha-ching, bitches!

subtext to be introduced in this third installment of the series is that global, viral pandemics are not just for humans any more. No, it seems that domestic pets, both canine and feline, are susceptible and are known sources of transmission. That simply won’t do. Your local animal control officers will be empowered with the same kind of draconian over reach as health department officials have come to enjoy. “Sir or Madam? I’m with animal control. I have a warrant to enter these premises and remove contraband pets, per state or local order number blah-blah blah-blah-blah”. But don’t worry. As soon as they have that first government contract in hand for the human vaccine, they will be getting right on the veterinary science version. You’ll be able to have pets again. If they’re immunized and licensed. Cha-ching, bitches!

During Covid there has been this blind obsession with the restriction of microscopic particles in the airborne environment. The masks have been endorsed as the one size fits all futile gesture. With this African variety there is the added fecal element to consider. I hardly think that masks should be good enough, in this case. Surely it should mandated that while in public the responsible citizen shall be properly diapered. Cloth diapers will be permitted with accompanying laundry certificate, but disposables are preferred. Naturally disposable gloves will be required as a part of this protocol. Cha-ching, bitches!

Some among you may be growing dismayed with this rant, as it indeed paints a glum portrait. I will here offer that one kernel of hope for you to cling to. There may be one redeeming point to be found in this third installment of pandemic fear porn. Within franchises of multiple iterations there is a common story element to be found. Somewhere along the way one of the champions must be sacrificed. Gandalf the Grey in The Fellowship of the Ring; Obi Wan in Star Wars; Chevy Chase’s career after Christmas Vacation, they all involve one of their heroes falling on their sword. SPOILER ALERT….. I think Fauci is gonna be the fall guy in this sequel. His ass is flapping in the wind like a playing card in bicycle spokes from his connections with the Wuhan Institute. He doesn’t have any wiggle room left. Someone is going to have to eat it on this one. Getting Fauci out of the way is similar to getting Epstein out of the way: they both solve a lot of problems at once by their sudden absence. Brother Tony has been a good soldier for the cause, so a script has been written that accords him an honorable exit.

As the drama of the Monkey Pox Pandemic unfolds the race to produce the vaccine will become violent! Many trials are created, none are successful. Those few showing promise are discounted due to side effects too horrifying for even this craven class of leeches to contemplate. This amid the continued failings of Covid vaccines, Brother Tony’s position grows more untenable by the hour. He knows his time is running out and there is only one opportunity to preserve his legacy. He will volunteer as a test subject for a previously unsanctioned, experimental vaccine against the dreaded Monkey Pox.

It really is a fitting end for this little guinea prick. It always seemed to me that he bore a striking resemblance to a Rhesus monkey. His last days will be spent shrieking madly in a glass cage, painting the walls with his own feces. The once Mighty Mengele of public health will be reduced to that sad imitation of life, sacrificed to produce that vital antibody needed to create a viable vaccine. It will finally work, but dear Anthony will die for the effort. Made a martyr and canonized as St. Anthony of Wuhan, the patron saint of Plandemics.

I’ll give this installment 2-1/2 stars out of a scale of 5. It’s hardly the worst sequel you’ll see, though nowhere near the best. It suffers that fate associated with most sequels, being too closely tethered to the premise that founded the original. I would not hold out much hope that the next installment will improve the series at all, but do not despair. The producers of this shitshow have gone all in on the Fear Porn franchise. Despite all evidence to the contrary they are convinced that they will keep on delighting audiences with this production for years to come. There will be a new installment with every election, at least until Disney takes over. Most of us should be safe until then, but by the time Disney gets their hands on this franchise it’s guaranteed to be a mass Kool-aid event. Nothing brings the kiss of death quite like Disney. The white coats are coming and the only thing they are missing are the hoods.


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